(...continued) In May 2011, Northstar Gold, Inc. obtained the eastern portion of the property but did not work the mine. In August, this was transferred to IronMiners. In November of 2011, the western portion was claimed by IronMiners and rehabilitory work commenced.
The mine is accessed via four adits as well as inclined shafts sunk into the vein. At the base of the mine complex, a crosscut adit penetrates 750 feet into the hillside, providing haulage and drainage. Water from this adit was once the source of Coppin's bottling water. Higher up on the hill are a crosscut adit and drift adit providing access to this and lower working levels. A fourth adit was also driven into the hillside but no ore was removed from it. From myriad samples taken from the mine in 1998, the ore assayed 0.11 ounces of gold and 0.72 ounces of silver per ton, 0.1% copper, 0.21% lead, and 0.14% zinc. Plans are underway to both preserve and operate Blackbird Mine once again.