The Centennial Mine (also known as Squier's Mine) was first worked in 1875. An ore body 12 feet in width was discovered through the excavation of eight pits and crosscuts. At its widest point the vein measured 38 feet wide. An additional five veins were discovered each measuring approximately 5 feet in width and dipping 80 degrees southeast.
As much as 1,500 tons of magnetite ore were mined in 1875 and the mine continued in operation until 1879, possibly reopening briefly in 1880. In 1891, inventor Thomas Edison sent his own mining superintendant to the Centennial Mine to assess whether its ore was suitable for his ore concentrating process. An estimate of the total yield puts the Centennial Mine only at 2,200 tons, suggesting that its level of production soon diminished after its first year.
Present day development has already encroached upon the site but the mine still exists.