Mine Research Office

Dickerson Mine

(...continued) In 1877, Ario Pardee leased the property which up to this point had still been leased and worked by the Allentown Iron Company. Pardee worked the mine vigorously relying on the Ferromonte Railroad to bring the ore to market. Pardee sunk a new shaft which penetrated two veins, the "Side Vein" at a depth of 550 feet and the "Big Vein" at a depth of 750 feet. He continued to operate the mine until November 16, 1891. By this time the mine had reached a total depth of 1,300 feet and an estimated 1,000,000 tons of ore were removed. As part of a closing cermony, two sealed bottles containing the names of the miners were left at the bottom of the mine.

In late 1905, the Singer Sewing Machine Company who at the time operated the Stanhope furnace, leased the mine. They immediately began sinking a new shaft into a newly discovered shoot in the hanging wall of the Side Vein.

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Dickerson Mine
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