Here are pictures of the Iron Miners Memorial Day Party at Miner CTMike's house.
Miner CTMike's Jeep doing a little rock crawling
Another view
Indiana Miner CTMike
Indiana Miner Mike practicing a little
Another straight throw from Miner Mike
The first bonfire before Miner CTMike relocated it
It wouldn't be considered an IronMiners party without a little entertainment. Our friends Pico Dada made a special appearance and played a very long set of all original material!
Another view
Miner Mike on Base
Keyboarding to go along
Another brighter view
Pictures were difficult due to low lighting. Another flash shot.
Since the bonfire wasn't near the entertainment, Miner CTMike's decided to move the fire....
Some of the crowd near the bonfire
Another crowd shot.
All in all, a very successful event. Special thanks to Miner CTMike for holding another party and Pico Dada for playing.