Abram Hewitt, a historical figure well known locally with a deep involvement in the iron industry, had interest in a silver mining operation in Arizona. In 1882, the Silver Prince Mine was conveyed, if only in name, to Abram S. Hewitt, as security for a loan worth $25,000. Here is a brief glimpse of one of the exploratory adits of this immense operation. Stay tuned for the full slideshow coming up...
The entrance to the exploratory adit.
Squared timbers, typical of a western desert mine.
Hmmm, is that a rail up ahead?
Yea, I think so.
Ahhh, a nice curved section of mine rail.
It is always a reward to find intact trackage, now let's go find the ore cars!
Anyone seen any ore cars?
Ok, I didn't expect this...
The side tunnel is rather unimpressive.
The last blast! Thankfully there is more to see at this mine...
This adit begins the REAL exploration of the mine...
Mine cattle typical of the region posing by mine tailings.