Below are pictures from two successive trips to the Wallkill Lead Company Mine. Discussion can be found at
A beautiful exploratory adit greets the curious mine hiker.
Just inside the adit, the tunnel drives its way into solid rock.
19th century hammering marks are permanently inscribed into the tunnel wall.
The tunnel required hand drill labor as evidenced here.
The end of the tunnel is met. Was the deposit reached here?
Up on the hill southeast from the adit, a massive tailings pile testifies to a large scale operation.
More tailings...
The main adit is reached but is partially collapsed.
Poking inside the adit, it resurfaces a short distance in.
As the tunnel re-enters the mountain, it becomes flooded. A doorway is seen ahead.
Past this point, the tunnel continues for hundreds of feet before reaching the extensive workings...
Extensive ruins to process the ore are still extant at the foot of the mountain.
More to come when the slideshow premiers!