Here are photos of the first day of our trip, the Ely Copper Mine. Enjoy!
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A 1956 view of the historic Ely timbered adit!
Make no mistake, the size of these buildings in this vintage photo indicate a massive operation.
Before the start of the expedition, Miner CT Mike drills screws into his boots for better traction in the icy mine.
Onwards to the mine... Miner Pete and Miner Barry lead the IronMiners over the snow covered tailings.
After passing the tailing piles, the pack begins the bushwhack to the entrance.
After an exhausting hike, the inclined shaft/stope entrance is reached!
Is this what the same entrance looked like or is this another one? (vintage photo)
Its all downhill from here...
Extreme caution is exercised descending into the mine.
Totally immersed in the stope, icy stalactites grow from the ceiling.
A tunnel leads off in one direction...
Ties from the haulageway are encased in ice.
Further the tunnel goes...
At the end of one tunnel, a puddle of mineralization looks mysteriously more like a puddle of blood...
Well preserved wooden water containers far outlive their use in the background as Miner Barry and Miner CT Mike pose near the enormous gob rock.
What mine isn't complete without.... AN ORE CAR!!