We have just setup a new Forum, this forum is for photos. The photos displayed here are a combination of photos of trips that we have been on which don't have a mine slide show as well as photos contributed by our users. This forum is for pictures and descriptions of pictures only. No discussions. Discussions should remain in the Mining Forum.
The best way to post pictures online would be to host them on a remote server. It would be preferred to keep images 800x600 in size, so that they are viewable to all users. Then link back from the IronMiners forum to your site hosting the pictures. If you don't have a hosting server, you could use something like
www.photobucket.com to host up the pictures.
To link an image to a remote server, do the following.
When editing the message, click the IMG button. Type in the full path of the image, then click the IMG button again to close the URL. It is that simple. Anyone who needs help, please send me a private message and I will be more than happy to help out.
Miner Greg