Doug wrote:
If you are opening the discussion to include surface that is another story.
If you could lease one of those isolated blocks. Mine it with a Mid to large track-hoe the there might be a chance. Especially if the coal it of high-quality.
As has been discussed elsewhere. The profitability of stripping deeper coal has increases in recent years. Mostly because hydraulic shovels and end-dumps are cheaper than massive dragline and stripping shovels. They can also work a smaller pit.
I want to hear more on the 1 unit western Ky mine.
You are right. The profitability of stripping deeper seams of coal has increased considerably within the past couple of decades. But you need to take into consideration the cost of the equipment that would be required for surface mining. You would need at least one of the larger size dozers, a drill rig, end loader or a shovel and maybe a large capacity haul truck and a water truck. And extra money up front to maintain and fuel the equipment before the first load of coal is moved.
But however if you were to reopen a old highwall with the intentions of underground mining you could avoid a lot of the initial cost of overburden drilling, blasting and material removal associated with a strip mine operation. And the equipment that would be used in a small one unit underground mine would not be as expensive as what would be used in a strip mine operation.
Keeping in mind the equipment and techniques would be somewhat similar to those used in anthracite and rock mining operations.
Another thing to take into consideration is some of these old strip mine areas have not been reclaimed. If im not mistaken all abandoned mine areas are on a waiting list with the state being responsible for financing the reclamation cost.
Im wondering if it would be possible for a person to get a partial reclamation bond discount based upon the state being responsible for a certain percentage of the reclamation cost while the mine operator pays the remaining part of the reclamation cost. Maybe this could help relieve the cost of the reclamation bond expense.
And what would be the possibility of grants being available for the study of a methane gas extraction. What if the mine was set up so that long term methane gas extraction could be conducted after the mining activity is completed.