This one is another that can be listed as the never ending subsidence. On Gibson Street in Tripps park section of Scranton. Years ago two homes had to be rebuilt ( using mine cave insurance money) One of the two is now having its foundation reinforced with steel pipe. The main area of the subsidence is in the middle of Garfield Av. if you dont go slow, you will go airborn. Thats how much it has sunk. This lies across from the Cathederial cemetary where long ago the Scranton Times had a headline " Graves rocked by subsidences". The eight foot vein outcrops in this area with a mere four feet of roc cover, and 16 feet of wash ( dirt) It was flushed in 1979. But evidently did not reach that exact area. As the area around the boreholes was caved " tight". This area is aso about a 1/2 block from where a man fell 20 feet into a subsidence as the ground gave way under him, when he was cutting his grass. Very active area. Ill post pics later.