I spent some time looking into the mechanics of this myself shortly after you brought it up Jackstraw. The more I read, the more complicated it became to try to describe (and grasp). lol. I believe the pumps at Hogencamp Mine as well as many of our 19th century mines likely would have been steam operated pumps. I know the Cornish system of steam pumps were used first in America and its use was documented at the Schuyler Mine. With the Cornish pump, the driving engine would be located above ground. This would be connected to the pump underground via a long line of rods as Dan explained. More modern steam pumps would be designed with the driving engine as part of the same unit as the pump (Direct Acting) but this was eventually replaced by compressed air and electric powered pumps.
Unfortunately, I cannot locate any old time surface photos of pump shafts in the area. I did however find some photos of steam pumps used underground in the Richard Mine. Take a look at
http://books.google.com/books?id=Jm0fAQ ... CC4Q6AEwAg