kal301 wrote:
I am new and I haven't visited any mines yet. My question is: How do you guys locate mines? None have a listed address, or directions on how to locate them. So how do you find them?
I apologize for my n00bness, but if I want to go to any mines, I need to ask this.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: If this is in the wrong section, could an admin move it?
My very favorite technique is by using the U.S. Geological Survey topographical maps. The maps don't show all mines (especially if they have been sealed or partly sealed) but my best guess it that they show 90% or better of them.
They also indicate whether the mine is an adit portal, a shaft, pit or quarry or a "prospect". The maps also show many other features as well including the type of terrain you will be dealing with. They are a little bit salty but well worth the investment in my opinion.
Fred M. Cain