For those who have not seen the announcement on our home page, I wanted to mention that the IronMiners will be leading a private tour of the Trotter Tunnel at the Sterling Hill Mine in Ogdensburg NJ on Saturday April 28, 2012. This tour will take place during the official Super Dig event at Sterling Hill. For those who are not aware, the Trotter Tunnel is along the southwest portion of the property along Plant Street, just before passing the mine buildings on your way to the tour. The portal of the tunnel was encased in thick concrete and had been sealed from the public for many years, just being opened last year specifically for last year's Super Dig. After our success last year, the IronMiners have been invited back again and will be leading the second annual tour of this historic tunnel.
To give a little information about the Super Dig, this will be an all day and partial night event from 9 AM to 11 PM. The event will consist of a regular tour of the Sterling Hill mine, our tour of the Trotter Tunnel, an outside tour on top of the hill of the mine buildings including the head frame, a tour inside of the Mill building and conveyer, an exciting lights out tour illuminated ONLY with short wave light inside the main sections of the mine, and a self guided tour of the collection pits on the north side of the property. The collection area is opened and you are welcomed to collect (by fee). Other than the normal Mine Tour, these areas are closed to the public except for this once a year event.
Since the event runs until 11:00 PM and many members will be using portable shortwave lights both outside and on the lights out tour, safety goggles are required to protect your eyes from sunburn. Also be sure to bring your mining gear, short wave lights, flashlights, and good footwear as this will be a night time event.
Due to insurance requirements you must have your own insurance, or be a member of Sterling Hill Mining Museum (SHMM) or the Delaware Valley Earth Science Society (DVESS) in order to attend the Super Dig portion of the event. If you are not a member, you are welcomed to join and become a member before or during the Super Dig.
Please see the link below for more information. ... /index.php