Hello all you UG explorers and keepers of the mining flame. My name is Gary, and I was an hard rock miner from 1972 - 1983. I was out on the web, looking for pictures of places I had mined when I stumbled across Ironminers.com. Among the projects I worked at during those 11 or so years was, Mt Hope. After reading about Mt Hope at this site, I now know more than I did when I was actually working there. I had no idea there was such a rich mining history in the NJ area. I of course, had heard that Mt Hope had a history going back to the 1700's, but in 1977 there was no internet and those historical records were probably scattered all over the east coast.
I was working at a copper mine in Maine 1972-1976 (rubber tired, high tech), and our ore was running out. One of our engineers went to NJ to work at Mt Hope, and brought several of us miners down to help get it going. I got there just as the place was finished draining. It was a step back in time to the 50's. I was a jumbo driller, and heavy equipment was what we used. I had never even seen a underground rail system till Mt Hope. The drifts were small, the rail gauge looked like something from a amusement park and I had to watch my head everywhere. It was a major pain to get it back in operation, and it would have taken more money than Halecrest had to really get it running. Was quite an experience, but luckily for me, I went right from there to a new copper mine outside Salt Lake City, and to a brand new Jarvis Clark MJM21 3 boom jumbo with my name on it. Stayed at that mine till copper prices took a dump in 1983 and they pulled the plug on it.
Anyhow... I wish that I had taken photo's along my mining journey. The only 2 photo's I had, were used in an art project in college so now I have nada. I can however, share my experiences.
Stay safe! down there.