Iron Miners
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 Post subject: Possible mine along Rt 80 in Roxbury.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:40 am 

Joined: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:53 am
Posts: 19
Location: Hopatcong, NJ
Hi all,
Anyone know if there is a mine along Rt 80 West in Roxbury, just before exit 28?

Here's why I ask. I have lived in Hopatcong for 9 years now and take 80 every day but, I just noticed this in the last few days. On 80 just before exit 28 is a large rock out cropping, The highway cuts though this, and the wall of rock actually hangs over the edge of the shoulder. There are houses on the top of this cliff. East of this is low lying swamp land. As this rock hill comes down into the swamp, the hill is quite steep and rugged. About a third of the way down is a flat section I would estimate is about 30X30 feet. This flat section is defiantly out of place on this hill. I'm wondering if it could be a mine? This is less than 50 yards off the highway. I can't believe I've never noticed this before.

I-MapNJ Geology located here:

Shows 2 abandoned mines along Rt. 80 between Howard Bvld, and exit 28 but neither are in the right spot, but the map could be a little off.

So, Anyone know of a mine here? I have to try to find a way to get there without parking on the highway.

The area I'm talking about is in about the center of the picture in the link below. Exit 28 is just out of view to the left (West) It looks like there is an old road looping up the hill in this picture. That is a power line right of way coming off the highway and running east. This old road looking thing comes off of that. Hope this makes sense. ... 6&t=k&om=1

Mike D.

Check out my abandoned Railroad, Canal, and Mine pictures at:
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 Post subject: Burt Mine
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:34 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:59 am
Posts: 40
I think that you may be seeing the Burt Mine, which was situated to the west-northwest of the Drakesville Train Station (this was located several hundred feet west of where the railroad now crosses Howard Boulevard). The mine was apparently named after a "J. Burt" who owned a house on the opposite side of the railroad from the mine (see "Atlas of Morris County, New Jersey", published by F.W. Beers, A.D. Ellis, and G.G. Soule in 1868; it was reproduced by the Morris County Historical Society a few years ago, so you can find it in some of the regional libraries). This mine also appears on the 1886 map produced by the New Jersey Geological Survey. The 1910 New Jersey Geological Survey report by Bayley (see Page 354 therein) places the mine "near the base of a hill one-half mile west of Mount Arlington Station" (this station was located where the new one is currently being built, and should not be confused with the aforementioned Drakesville Station). According to Bayley, the mine was an old one and its early history was unknown. It was re-opened in 1882 and operated during the following year. Quoting from Bayley, "Within a quarter of a mile, there were seven shafts in the vein, which outcropped on the hill slope 70 feet from its base and varied in width from 6 feet to 24 feet. The deepest shaft was down 80 feet, and was connected with a shaft 100 feet to the northeast by underground drifts. In the main shaft, the dip was to the west-northwest, but in all the others it was, as usual, to the southeast. The ore was lean and sulphurous. About 400 tons were shipped, and much more had been raised when work was suspended." He then concluded with an analysis of ore that may have been extracted from this mine.

I didn't see the name "Burt Mine" in either the 1868 or the 1874 reports, but it is possible that it was either dormant in those years, or it was known by another name in the reports (contrary to the two contemporary maps referred to above). I hope that this helps you determine if what you saw is indeed a mine or not.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:10 am 
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Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:44 pm
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The gove mine is just right next to that lake (lake Rogerine) also, on Orben drive. It was a large mine, nothing but a big pitt now with huge tailings, its right behind the firestation on orben drive. Maybe this is a part of that mine..


 Post subject: Burt Mine and its Neighbors
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:32 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:59 am
Posts: 40
The Gove Mine was located to the northwest of the Burt Mine. I think that they are about 1,000 feet apart. To my knowledge, they were not physically connected, but they may have been operated by the same company (neither the period maps nor the NJGS reports shed any light on who owned or operated these mines, save for the nearby home of "J. Burt" that I noted in my earlier message). Also, there is Mariot's Mine in Shippenport located between Lake Rogerine (a.k.a. Mountain Pond) and the Morris Canal's Incline Plane Number 1 East along Shippenport Road. A forge was located at the lower end of Shippenport Road, where it was powered by water taken from the canal. It was built in 1844 by John Slade, and operated until 1885. Records mention that ore from Mariot's Mine and the Gove Mine were used by this forge, so it is not a stretch of the imagination to postulate that the produce of the Burt Mine could have been utilized there as well. Also, there was Stephens Furnace, an experimental operation that failed, which was located along the railroad tracks at the point where the Mount Arlington Station later stood and where the new station is being built. This was only in place for a few years, but given its proximity, it may have also used ore from these mines.

Last edited by FerromonteFan on Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:23 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:53 am
Posts: 19
Location: Hopatcong, NJ
Anthony, Dan,
Thanks for the info. Either one of you ever explore this area? Would you like to? I'd love to have a walk around there one of these weekends before the leaves and ticks break out. Let me know.

Check out my abandoned Railroad, Canal, and Mine pictures at:
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 Post subject: Burt Mine
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:16 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:59 am
Posts: 40
I'd be interested in exploring the Burt Mine site, but my teaching obligations will consume all of my time until mid-May. The area has not been touched by recent development, save for the construction of the nearby power line and Route 80, so a group of knowledgeable mining enthusiasts should be able to find artifacts and interpret the remains without worrying about relatively modern items contaminating the site.

As I noted in my reply to your post about my tour of the Ferro Monte Railroad, the dog ticks are already out in force: they were hopping on us like fleas; I must have removed at least fifteen of them at the site of the Ferro Monte Railroad scales and carried one more home. I completely forgot to bring insect repellent with me (not something one should forget while exploring the Highlands).

 Post subject: yes there is a mine above 80
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:41 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:18 am
Posts: 2
Location: Northwest NJ
I am a Roxbury native and have many a time explored the area of Mt.Arlington and I-80. There are 8 pits there that I have found all of which are filled in. There are some foundations and Many piles of over-burden. Its a great Hike with some good views of Roxbury but most of the slopes are 30% or greater made up of loose rock chip so its not for a novice hiker/climber. I Have a few photos @ ( password is photos )
They are listed as I-80 on the left tool bar. I seems to be the Burt Mine.

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