This past Sunday, a group of us did a mine hike and revisited Cogill Mine. Here are some of the photos from that trip. Most of these are flash shots as I didn't bring all of the light gear on this trip.
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This is a test / prospect pit along the strike of the vein to look for ore
A small pile of rocks that looked interesting along the way to the mine
A much larger test / prospect pit, not too far from the mine
The furthest most shaft of the operation, the second shaft. This image is shining a light down the shaft to illuminate below.
Another shot of the same shaft looking down it.
Looking at the first shaft to the operation.
While difficult to see in this photo, the remains of a horse whim in the distance
A view looking at the beginning of the open cut for the mine
Looking the other way at the stope below
Inside the stope
Mine researchers photographing the stope
Another view inside
A pretty neat ice sculpture inside of the mine
The end of the open cut. Looking at the water ahead. Also unwater is an untouched stull.
Inside of the lower tunnel for the mine
A view off of the side tunnel of the mine
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