Hi my friends and I operate a 24' x 55' display layout in the Schuylkill Mall, Frackville PA. The layout is historically based on the Mahanoy Valley from the Buck MT Tunnel through all the towns and patches through to Ashland. The Era is the Steam era from the 20's -50's. We model the Reading and PRR and hopefully LVRR. Hauling coal is what it's all about. We want to build miniature operating Collieries. The current layout is 3 rail "O" Hi-Rail. We run conventional, MTH DCS, and Lionel TMCC. We also recently took on some more space to make room for HO and or N scale layouts. We know that HO and N are more popular than "O"
So if you ever wanted to work on a big layout and create something historically correct for the Anthracite fields we could really use your help. We are open to the public 2X a month and we work on the layout one night a week. We are conveniently accessed right off I-81 or SR-61. Why not put all the Coal and Railroad knowledge to a good cause. We are laid back, fun group, no pressure, just do your best and show up at least 2X a month.
We started a website at Anthracitemodelrr.com our email address is
Thanks, Dave, Wally, Caleb and the 3 Jims.