The Pennsylvania coal company did not name there collieries on a wide basis. But rather numbered them. A few shafts do have names, weather they had a breaker in earlier times is not known. Pennsylvania coal company history is not as well documented as that of the the other companies. It is known that the Ewen was named for John Ewen, founder and investor of that roads gravity railroad to Port Griffith;s near Pittston. He was also president of the Pennsylvania coal company in the 1850's. At the Ewen the Hoyt shaft was located. It was named after George A Hoyt( 1811-1887) who succeded John Ewen. The Ewen and more particularly the Hoyt shaft came into the public attention during the Knox mine disaster. As it was a means of escape during the early stages of the disaster. Not much is written about the Ewen breaker, except that the original breaker was destroyed by fire on December 11, 1914. A new concrete and steel breaker was built and opened by June of 1915.