Photos by USBM, OSM. Scans by T Wilson.
This underground mine fire was a combination of two mine fires. The first was a culm bank fire, on top of which homes were built. The second was the Clark vein fire that the city of Scranton caught on fire when they used a stripping pit as a garbadge dump. Today if you were to travel up Cedar Av ( going south) soon as you pass kellys pub you start up the hill. On the right is newer homes. This is the site of the mine fire. After the fire was allowed to burn out the land sat dormant.During the early 80's under the guises of the Scranton redevelopment authority the land was sub divided. The lots were sold for $1, with the condition homes were constructed within one year of the purchase. It is interesting to note that the state contributed to the spread of the fire. In the early stages they dug mini trenches in an attempt to isolate the fire. the fire had already gone beyound the trench. All the trenches did was to add a ready sourse of air for the fire to breathe. It got to the point the states project office had to be relocated because it was falling into the fire below. ( ie. emergency move)