johnr wrote:
Can't recall who posted the link or if that guy still has an e-bay listing, but last year or early this year someone posted a link on here to a guy who bought out some Koehler lamps from a nickle mine in Canada. A bunch of us got them, only $25 each. Very good condition, work great. I got a brand new cap, MSHA, for $35. Looks like on line today they go for around 45-47 bucks so I guess I got a deal on both. Very happy with the lamps, I got 2 and Scott topped me off with the acid solution, got 26 hours out of one of the lights before it went dim.
Hey John, I posted the ebay sale. I checked the seller and he currently doesn't have any for sale but I didn't ask either. Seller id is "north-50". Also, according to Koehlers maintenance instructions, acid should not be added after the initial filling. Use only distilled water. Here's a link to their guide.