The small Anthracite operators do have a organization to speak for them, the Independant Miners and Associates. We had it pretty good here untill 2001 when John Kuzar and William Spavariei were transfered to MSHA District 1 as Manager and Assistant Manager. To say they ruined the Anthracite deep mine industry would be a understatement. Most of what they did had nothing to do with safety but a lot to do with politics. None of the small deep mines are or were represented by the UMWA. Both John and Bill were ex UMWA officals. They did everything in there power to try and force the small independants out of buisness. There are numerous cases that were brought to court against District 1 on the internet that are minor issues if any that District 1 made a big to do over. If in one of our mines you had the top come down around a roof bolt like you have happen from time to time in a soft coal mine that would be a SS Citation here if your lucky.
_________________ "We don't look for any money all we look for is a little help and the only help we get is for the government to shut us down and if you go to the gas station and buy the gas you'll see'll see why"