On that note, according to this article,
http://mahwah.patch.com/articles/abando ... scientists , the Department of Environmental Protection is partnering with the New Jersey Geological Survey to study..... the Butler Mine in order to decide "whether or not future actions and precautions will need to take place at the site." The NJGS was awarded a federal grant in order to obtain accurate GPS coordinates and "to develop a scientific database of information to be used to prioritize the risk of subsidence or ground collapse.” That is a great objective but I think we should be studying mines that actually pose a threat to people's lives, homes or property, not the unassuming Butler Mine, a water filled hole in the middle of the woods! If you ask me, I think this money would be better spent examining mines in residential areas such as in Mine Hill or North Arlington, where significant subsidence has occurred in the past, and where potential development might actually occur, not mines located off of scenic trails celebrated as hiking destinations (btw, kudos to Mr. Steinberg for the plug). A field trip to Harriman State Park armed with Iron Mine Trails would probably be far more productive and perhaps enlightening.