Doug wrote:
Welcome to the discussion. When you get time, let us know about your mining experiences and where you are at ( in general terms is fine).
well Doug, like I said I started in the coal mine in 1977, as a white cap, did gil work on a section then learned how to roof bolt,after getting my black cap I run buggie, and the miner, then got a motorman bid, after 3 years at Robena # 3 I got laidoff, was off work for 6 months and then got called to USS Cumberland in Kirby Pa. in 1980, these mines are in southwestern Pa. Iv'e been at Cumberland mine since, well I lost 6 years at Cumberland they had a big layoff 1986, got call back in 92 and still working today, right now Im a weekend warior only working 3 days and I'm a rock dust motorman, I have been making plans to retire in 2013, I forgot to say both mines that I worked at are deep mines, 6 1/2 foot coal seam. Alot of guys have been retiring,and they have hired alot of young guys,