As you folks are aware there is a fungus that is spreading rapidly across the northeast US that is wiping out winter bat populations that are normally found in caves and mines alike.
The fungus does not appear to be harmful to humans or other animals, but it is possible for spores to be transported site-to-site on your clothes.
If you approach a mine entrance and see dead bats scattered around, bats flying, or bats clustered in the first few hundred feet of the mine, mostly likely this is a WNS site. A rather large number of people are studying this problem not only around the country but now even internationally. Please contact me with site location info so that the situation can be documented, or report it to your state wildlife agency.
For recent WNS maps, info, photos, even a video, and message boards with the latest WNS tidbits and wild speculation, see:
If someone lives around Wilkes-Barre/Scranton or north side of Pittsburgh and would like to "check up" on some entrances to known bat mines to monitor for WNS outbreaks let me know.
John Chenger