Dawn_C wrote:
I use tracks in my mine for a few reasons. #1 is because the rail AND the mine train was already in the mine when i aquired the mine (I have 9 mines and my main one im most interested in is the one with the goodies in it) and the second reason is because i just dont have the 'ump' to be running wheelbarrowfuls of rock all down the tunnels and out the entrance to the dumps. Running the ore cars is just MUCH easier for me.
I'm glad to hear that you are still using cars & tracks. It seems to me like the only really logical thing to do. But many larger mines have gone trackless and use these huge, rubber-tired "wart hogs" (LCD's, I think they call them) but I really don't understand what the advantage is.
Some people have told me that the "wart hogs" are more economical because they dispense with the cost of the track. But it looks to me like the drifts and passages have to be much, much larger to allow the LCD's. Plus, they burn diesel so I would think that would increase pollution in the mine. It was pointed out on another mining group I belong to that ventilation is so good nowadays that the exhaust from the wart hogs is not an issue.
But why burn diesel fuel when you can use electricity?
Perhaps this is a cyclical thing and mines with tracks are just out of favor right now, I don't know.
I hope you keep using them, though!
Fred M. Cain