Kiwi#1 wrote:
Another mine with rail still in place was the Phoenix Mine near Idaho Springs Colorado. Run by a father and son, mine tours during the summer and actually mining after tourist season. Last time I was there was 2009, regret not looking them up last year.
The 12V batteries you have in your trammer. Are these deep cycle, forklift or heavy duty amp/hour automotive batteries? I'd sure like to know please. What sort of running and charge times are you getting by with?
in New Zealand
Actually if im not running the trammers when im working the mine, ill just throw a charge into the batteries to keep them topped off. If im using them at the time then ill just recharge them for a few hours after im finished running them. Runtime, id say, is around 6 or 8 hours, depending on the loads i put onto them. Should i need to recharge them in the middle of the day (which, so far ive not had to), then ive got plenty of other things that we need to do in and around the mine.
However, i have let the trammers just sit for days (not running of course) and they would still start up and run.
They originally was 6V industrial, i think, but when i pulled them(when i was redoing the trammers) they was so deteriorated it was really hard to tell but i replaced them with the 6V deep cycle solar type batteries.