Iron Miners
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 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:39 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:21 am
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Dawn_C wrote:
Kiwi#1 wrote:

Actually if im not running the trammers when im working the mine, ill just throw a charge into the batteries to keep them topped off. If im using them at the time then ill just recharge them for a few hours after im finished running them. Runtime, id say, is around 6 or 8 hours, depending on the loads i put onto them. Should i need to recharge them in the middle of the day (which, so far ive not had to), then ive got plenty of other things that we need to do in and around the mine.
However, i have let the trammers just sit for days (not running of course) and they would still start up and run.

They originally was 6V industrial, i think, but when i pulled them(when i was redoing the trammers) they was so deteriorated it was really hard to tell but i replaced them with the 6V deep cycle solar type batteries.



You are really getting to my curiosity now. Where are these mines? Or, is that a trade secret? I wish I could come visit sometime. Do you know Michael Miller?

Fred M. Cain

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:43 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:21 am
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Location: United States
Kiwi#1 wrote:
fredmcain wrote:

Try here on Discover Live Steam rail for sale, 12lb comes up regularly and there is a listing for a heap of 16lb in Arizona now. ... dex.htm#16

in New Zealand


Thanks for this link - and I'll pass this on, but oh! Ouch, ouch, OWIE!!! $42 grand? That's why this guy I've been corresponding with feels he can't use rail. That's a lotta moolah for a smaller miner to cough up. And they're used! I shutter to think what they'd be new! I'm afraid high costs are killing rail haulage and that's a cryin' shame. I don't know what if anything can be done about that.

Fred M. Cain

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:47 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:21 am
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Dawn_C wrote:
Hi Fred,

Actually i doubt if anyone that owns mines but doesn't work them would be willing to sell the tracks. The reasons for this would be, #1: If they was to sell the rail then more than likely they'd just sell them for scrap and nothing more and #2: if they were to sell the rail, then later on if they decided they wanted to reopen their mine then they'd find themselves needing to replace the rail they just sold.


I think this is probably true. Even if the owners of so called "abandoned" mines had NO plans to ever reopen, they would probably still feel that taking the rails out would make the mine worth less if they ever wanted to sell it en toto.

Most of us on this list also know that many abandoned mines have had their tracks just plain stolen and I most certainly don't advocate that by any means. That hurts everyone.

Fred M. Cain

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:12 am 

Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:15 am
Posts: 38
Location: McConnico, Arizona
fredmcain wrote:
Dawn_C wrote:
Hi Fred,

Actually i doubt if anyone that owns mines but doesn't work them would be willing to sell the tracks. The reasons for this would be, #1: If they was to sell the rail then more than likely they'd just sell them for scrap and nothing more and #2: if they were to sell the rail, then later on if they decided they wanted to reopen their mine then they'd find themselves needing to replace the rail they just sold.


I think this is probably true. Even if the owners of so called "abandoned" mines had NO plans to ever reopen, they would probably still feel that taking the rails out would make the mine worth less if they ever wanted to sell it en toto.

Most of us on this list also know that many abandoned mines have had their tracks just plain stolen and I most certainly don't advocate that by any means. That hurts everyone.

Fred M. Cain

You know, I have laid claims on a few mines JUST FOR the rails(or other things) that i could use in the mines im operating now, however, i only removed the rails(or other things) since the mines was mainly prospects and turned out to be not worth mining.
Also theres a couple of those 'dead' mines ive used for storage or whatnot. Id just put a door on the entrance and would make perfect storage for things for my other mines.
Those kind of mines or prospects would eventually be reclaimed anyways so i just see no problem in removing the rails(or other things IF you have them under claim). If you do have them under claim then theres no laws at all that says you cant remove the equipment IN them.

I dont recall the name of Micheal Miller but ive probably seen him around the area. Theres alot of people around here that i see around alot but i dont know their names.

Dave: Im not quite sure im following what you are asking other than the use of my oven. I use the oven for refining smaller amounts of ore such as if i find stringers of free milling gold, etc then i just melt and pour that into molds. I also use it(the oven) with amalgam or flux for refining or pulling out smaller amounts of gold,silver, etc should i find it. The oven is more of a secondary recovery method.


 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:18 am 
I don't understand what you are talking about on how you refine the ore. To employ a model railroading term, I'm an "Armchair Miner" meaning that I like mining, and I read about it, but I don't know all that much of the technical side. I enjoy learning about the history, machinery, and methods of mining, etc.

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:21 pm 
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Dave, go to your library and interloan a book called "Western Mining" by Otis E Young Jr. Once you've read that you'll be answering the questions on here.

in New Zealand

Alive and Well....for now

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:47 pm 
Shall do. I'm still looking for a copy of the one on hand steeling, though. My public library doesn't really have a lo about mining. The amount of books on the subject (that are not for kids), when measured with a ruler is about as wide as a sheet of printer paper turned on it's side.

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:04 am 
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Dave, that's why I said interloan that's where your local library requests a book fron another library that has a copy of what you are seeking. You may have to pay a charge though.
That was the way I was able to learn about Colorado Mining and narrow gauge railroads long before I got to go there myself.

in New Zealand

Alive and Well....for now

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:40 am 

Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:15 am
Posts: 38
Location: McConnico, Arizona
Kiwi#1 wrote:
Dave, that's why I said interloan that's where your local library requests a book fron another library that has a copy of what you are seeking. You may have to pay a charge though.
That was the way I was able to learn about Colorado Mining and narrow gauge railroads long before I got to go there myself.

in New Zealand

Hi Dave, I think id have to agree with Kiwi on getting a book that thoroughly describes ways of refining ores. I think they could describe it and go into much better detail in laymens terms alot better then i could as i am quite a bit 'technical' in my terminology.
But should you not be able to find a good book on the subject then id be more than happy to try and break it all down in easier terms. :)


 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:45 am 
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fredmcain wrote:
Kiwi#1 wrote:
fredmcain wrote:

Try here on Discover Live Steam rail for sale, 12lb comes up regularly and there is a listing for a heap of 16lb in Arizona now. ... dex.htm#16

in New Zealand


Thanks for this link - and I'll pass this on, but oh! Ouch, ouch, OWIE!!! $42 grand? That's why this guy I've been corresponding with feels he can't use rail. That's a lotta moolah for a smaller miner to cough up. And they're used! I shutter to think what they'd be new! I'm afraid high costs are killing rail haulage and that's a cryin' shame. I don't know what if anything can be done about that.

Fred M. Cain


The Roll Models in Fresno are listing new 12lb rail at $76.77 per 6metre length in stock, they have 8lb in 10ft lengths for $24.65.

in New Zealand

Alive and Well....for now

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:25 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:21 am
Posts: 179
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Dawn_C wrote:
Kiwi#1 wrote:
Hi Dave, I think id have to agree with Kiwi on getting a book that thoroughly describes ways of refining ores. I think they could describe it and go into much better detail in laymens terms alot better then i could as i am quite a bit 'technical' in my terminology.
But should you not be able to find a good book on the subject then id be more than happy to try and break it all down in easier terms. :)


Although the interloan idea is a good one, I'd like to make another suggestion. Try doing a search for "Western Mining" by Otis E Young Jr on Abe's Used Books. I have turned up a lotta neat stuff on there that I never dreamed I'd be able to find! You might be able to get a copy in fairly decent condition for just a few bucks.

Worth a try!!

Fred M. Cain

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:27 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:21 am
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fredmcain wrote:
Fred, The Roll Models in Fresno are listing new 12lb rail at $76.77 per 6metre length in stock, they have 8lb in 10ft lengths for $24.65.

in New Zealand

Thanks, Chris! And please, keep these comin'!!! I'm not sure how you're find 'em but I really appreciate it!

Fred M. Cain

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:50 am 
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Here you go Fred, just have a look at this. The 2ft "baby gauge" railroad of the Death Valley Borax Mining Co from Ryan at the end of the 3ft Death Valley Railroad out to the mines. These guys pretty well covered it too. The rest of their site is worth a look but not much recent activity over the past couple of years as far as updates are concerned. ... ygauge.htm

in New Zealand

Alive and Well....for now

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 12:06 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:21 am
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This is interesting. A new tracked, underground iron mine in Sweden.

SWEDEN's Lussavaara-Kirunava AB (LKAB) inaugurated the latest phase of its iron-ore mining operation in Kiruna, northern Sweden today, which includes a 12km, standard-gauge underground automatic railway.

The new mining operation is situated 1365m below the original surface point for the mine and is projected to have sufficient capacity to support the mine's capped 30 million tonne annual extraction rate for the next 20 years.
The new operation, which cost SKr 12.4bn ($US 1.92bn) and took eight years to complete, has been in use since April 29 after testing began in December. Three chutes through which iron-ore is distributed to the trains below are currently operational which will ramped up to 10 by 2017 as production at the previous 1045m mining level declines. An additional 3km of track will be added taking the total to 15km by 2017, enabling LKAB to operate seven seven-wagon trains. Two trains are currently in use.

Schalke, Germany, has supplied nine locomotives, which use a combination of 750V dc electrification and batteries, for the project as part of a consortium led by Midroc Electro. This also includes Nordic Mines, which supplied the wagons, and Bombardier which supplied its Interflo 150 signalling solution which is based on its CBTC platform and provides driverless, automated train operation. The system also includes a traffic control centre, object controller system, automatic train protection onboard system and is compatible with the WiFi radio system already used in the mine.

Mr Hans Engberg, LKAB project manager who has led the undertaking, told IRJ that 1435mm gauge was selected for the new project because it was found to reduce spillage compared with the existing 891mm-gauge infrastructure, and because sourcing replacement rolling stock components would be cheaper.

He added that a railway rather than a conveyer was considered the most appropriate for this particular mining application. "We performed a life cycle cost analysis of five potential options, but a railway was preferred because of we had to locate the compressor 1.2km away from the excavator due to potential stresses in the rock in that area," Engberg says. "The railway is the most efficient way of transporting ore over this distance."

Fred M. Cain

 Post subject: Re: MINES WITH TRACKS
PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:08 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:21 am
Posts: 179
Location: United States

I would find it a most interesting endeavor to try to develop an inventory of the underground mines that are still using tracks and rail haulage and then post it on our forum for reference. I would include mines that are still using rail to haul personnel and equipment in and out of the mines even if they are no longer using rail to haul ore (or coal) with.

We might also include mines that are no longer engaged in active mining but are open to tourists such as the Molly Kathleen and use rail haulage to carry tourists through the mine.

The Old Empire Mine in Grass Valley, CA also plans to open their “adit project” next year which will bring tourists underground with the use of rail haulage.

I would also include mines that are completely trackless but have plans to add rail haulage in the future. One such mine is Shasta Gold’s “Washington Mine” in northern California which is currently using trackless mining techniques but has plans to add tracks in the future. Or, so I was informed in an e-mail.

One serious problem in developing such a list is simply obtaining the information. Almost none of the companies that I sent out e-mails to have responded to me. Shasta Gold was a rare exception.
For the time being, I would limit the list to either the U.S. or maybe the U.S., Mexico and Canada but if anybody thinks we should do a world-wide list, that’d be O.K. too.
Does anybody else on our group have any thoughts or ideas about this? How can we go about getting such information and posting it? Or, is this something we want to do at all?

Fred M. Cain

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