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 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:22 pm 
That is what switchbacks are for, my New Zealand friend.

 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:31 pm 
Hey Chris, how is progress going? I have recently taken down my small 6 by 8 foot pike so we (my dad and I) can get higher legs under it. It is about 3 feet high now, and was built when I was 5, so, needless to say, I am a bid too tall to comfortably sit in a chair and run the trains. we plan to raise it up about another 2 feet, and then I can get my 2-10-2 running again! I'll post a video on YouTube of the layout when it has been lifted, and post a link here. If you can get a video of the layout of your tram, that would be great! I think I can incorporate a replica into my layout as a back yard railroad if you could get a track plan!

 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:24 pm 
I have some news on the layout progress. I still have to get the thing raised up. The parents have finally agreed to let me build a small (30" by 10") layout on top of my bookcase. I am thinking of a mining theme, maybe a narrow guage layout. I have the N scale tracks, and I have a supply of the HOn2 1/2 from Minitrains. They have a small diesel, an 0-4-0, v-skips, gondolas, stake cars, pulpwood cars, etc. I would like some operation, but I am having trouble with the track plan. If any of you guys has an idea for the track plan, please post it.

I would be grateful. In other news, my dad is getting laid off of work in 6 weeks. He works in the defense branch of Oshkosh Truck, and with the war winding down, he will be back over the road. I am praying that he gets a local route. We could use some prayers right now. I also have confirmation this Friday.

 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:06 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:13 am
Posts: 237
Location: New Zealand
Dave, you could have a good look around this site, you might find a trackplan or combination of several that take your fancy.

900 x 250 ain't a lot of room for other than a diorama really. Still a mineheadframe or mill building to a waste dump or workshops.


in New Zealand

Alive and Well....for now

 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:58 pm 
I know that site. It is my bible of track plans. None of the plans caught my eye. I was thinking of a 2 level theme. the mine and a tip.

 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:40 pm 
I am now thinking of an expanded GS&S, with the mine on the upper level, and the dump on the lower. I am going to add a few things, like a run around, so I can operate it with one engine. I don't want to get into electrical blocks on a small layout. Anything else I should add?

 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:16 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:17 pm
Posts: 70
Location: Central Wisconsin
I thought I might give you guys some details on a layout I am planning. It will be a quarry layout called Midwest Sand & Gravel (Most generic name I could think of), and will be a changeable era layout, just by changing the locos and vehicles. The track plan is a modified GumStump & Snowshoe, but instead of the switchback going up, it will go down into a quarry pit.

Era: 1920-present
Gauge: HOn2 1/2
Style: Freelanced
Locale: Upper Midwest
Grades: 3% Max (or as steep as needed0
Min. Radius: 12"
Size: 6' by 1' 6" (might be larger. I haven't put it onto graph paper yet)
Control: Conventional
Benchwork: Open Grid
Track: Flextrack/Atlas sectional track where needed
Switches: Atlas snap-switches with Caboose Industries ground throws
All equipment will be the re-issued AHM Minitrains
Rolling stock: V-skips, box dumps, flatcars, small crane for maint.
Locos: 1920's-Late 1940's 0-4-0 Porter (2)
Late 1940's-present Plymouth diesel (2)
Wiring: 4 electrical blocks: Upper level, Lower level (pit), Engine House tracks 1 & 2
Train length: 3-4 cars loaded, 4-6 cars empty
Scenery: some shrubs and small trees, dirt roads
It can be built as a stand alone layout or module, or incorporated as an industry in a standard gauge layout
Can handle 2 operators, 1 working the pit, the other the upper level, which includes the crusher and the transfer yard
Tab-on-car operation, with possibility of "live loads" of sifted limestone screenings
I'll post a picture of the track plan as soon as I can scan it into the computer, or build it in 3D Railroad Concept and Design.
What do you think?

 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:51 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:53 pm
Posts: 272
Location: Ringgold GA
Sounds cool

May all those who have gone before us have a carbide lamp with an eternal flame.

 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:25 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:17 pm
Posts: 70
Location: Central Wisconsin
Hey guys, my dad and I have a unit coal train that is missing a crucial piece: the coal.
Could anyone help us out? We need bituminous coal that we can crush up to make scale loads.
I also need a few pieces of anthracite for my narrow gauge layout.

 Post subject: Re: Model Railroading
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:08 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:53 pm
Posts: 272
Location: Ringgold GA
If you don't have a coal yard near you, I'd buy some off eBay.

May all those who have gone before us have a carbide lamp with an eternal flame.

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