If anyone is having or has had any problems logging into the site, we would like to know about it so that we can assist you. We have created a public email box to send your inquirers to.
If you need to contact us, please send a message via the below link:
http://www.ironminers.com/contact-us/To prevent SPAM from being posted on the site, we manually validate each user who creates an account here so that we know that they are legit. This can sometimes increase the amount of time it takes to validate new users, however it helps keep the forum clean. If you are experiencing a problem where you never got our email, your account wasn't validated, or you are having problems getting on the site, please feel free to send us an EMail. It never hurts to send us an email as we want to ensure that each user has the ability to enjoy our site.
Thanks you very much,
Miner Greg