Dawn_C, of course it is fine with BLM, they DO NOT ADJUDICATE between claimholders. I could not even get them to enforce their own rules against a guy who was hiding the fact he had 14 claims while filing a small miners waiver. BLM Only gets involved between a claimholder and the government if the government wants your claim for some reason, and then of course they are on the governments side, But If you go to court, over Placer V load, Clipper V Eli is the deciding case, as is rosa, in law, if a court ignores an earlier precedent, they are in trouble. Earlier I mentioned I had filed suit against the Forest Service. I found a case on Mountain States Legal site that was Identical to our problem. It was in South Dakota. The Case law is still valid here.
As a test a while back, I called BLM in Sacramento and asked questions that I already Knew the case law for, BLM was wrong on over half of the answers. The Rocky Mountain law foundation, Mountain States Legal Foundation, and Lindly on Mines are a few good places to look for answers. As is the American Mining Law forum, which was started to educate us miners on our rights. Allen